Sunday 22 June 2014

Why was Facebook down for 30 minutes ?

Early on Thursday morning, the rarest of occurrences happened: Facebook went down. For thirty minutes no one could access any of their photos, statuses or fan pages. It was clearly pandemonium. 

Users around the world were greeted with the notification: “Sorry, something went wrong.”
It was among Facebook’s longest outages since 2010, when servers went down for 2.5 hours, according to Bloomberg. But Facebook now says it’s back up to 100 percent. The cause of the outage was not immediately known.
Of course now we know that a massive DDOS attack was the cause of the thirty minute crash and it looks like something out of War Games when you see it visualized on the screen. Tournaments Replay uploaded a video of the attack via Norse Attack Timeline and it really puts it into perspective. Video is no longer on Youtube as it violates terms and conditions .
Either it’s scary that the biggest site on the planet was taken out completely for thirty minutes, or it’s pretty cool that it only took thirty minutes to get the largest site in the world back up and running.


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