Saturday 12 April 2014

How I hacked Blogger's Service (Adsense)

It happened on 11th April, when somebody asked me a doubt about Blogger's Ad sense.

After I cleared his doubt , I thought why not use ad-sense on my blog too !

So I logged into my blogger account and went to sign up for ad-sense. But I saw a problem - My age. Ad-sense works for people above the age of 18.
                          I was Disappointed  :'(

Then , I noticed something :)
      I saw that Sign up button was there but it was disabled.
And then I checked out it's coding. It was :

  <button class="blogg-button blogg-primary" disabled=""                          tabindex="0">Sign up for AdSense</button>

                                What Next ?

Easiest way to enable it was to remove the attribute disabled="" tabindex="0" out of the code above ... 

 I opened the page again and the button was now working .

                               And I was Like

Question came in my mind
    Should I report it to Google or make money using hack ???

  No , I am a white hat so I reported it to google ...
Then I waited for reply 

And Then :'(

But still I was Satisfied that i chose correct path... And now :) 

Find me on facebook : 


  1. same message here
    pls help

    1. Sorry For Late Reply Aman... As per the terms and conditions of Adsense, You have to be 18 years old or more. Till that age, the Sign Up button was hidden. I was able to bypass the limit and I could Sign Up. But I reported the flaw a long time back and Now it's fixed. Now you have to wait until u reach 18 :( But even I didn't Signup, breaking terms and conditions can never be ethical :)


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